• Shelby KernNeighbor

  • Lake Forest, CA

Helllloooo Lake Forest!

My name is <strong>Shelby Kern</strong>. I’m a <strong>former El Toro High School student</strong>, class of 2010, and I spent last year enrolled at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in Los Angeles as a Musical Theatre major. Though I loved many things about AMDA, I decided at the end of the year that I wanted to attend a school that put a little stronger emphasis on academics, so I took some time off last semester to <strong>figure out what I wanted to do next</strong>. I’ve decided that I’m interested in double majoring in Film Studies and Business. Until I return to school in the fall, however, I have <strong>some other plans</strong>.

I’ve created this blog to help keep my friends, family, and community in the loop and give you all the opportunity to join me, because on Jan. 19 I am embarking on the <strong>journey of a lifetime</strong>! I was recently blessed with an acceptance letter to participate in the University of Virginia’s <strong>Semester at Sea</strong> program. What better way to figure out exactly what I want to do? I’m reverting to my two most-loved activities: <strong>travel and education</strong>. I’ll get to circumnavigate the globe in 105 days and learn about some of the world’s fascinating cultures. 

I’m absolutely ecstatic to visit each and every country because apart from the Bahamas, I’ve not been to any of them, but I’m most excited to visit <strong>South Africa, India, and China</strong>! I’m extremely enthusiastic to learn about these countries in particular because their cultures have major<strong> influence on art, fashion, and music</strong>.

As I move from country to country, I will be <strong>uploading photos, posts, and hopefully the occasional video</strong> as often as our shipboard wifi permits! My goal is that by sharing my experience with all of you, I can <strong>inspire as many as possible to make your travel and education dreams come true</strong>. The global community is infinitely diverse and educates people in a way no school can recreate—it teaches skills applicable in daily life. International travel cultivates independence, respect for diversity, dexterity, and innovation. I genuinely believe that as international networking continues to grow and reach more and more people, it will become <strong>crucial for us to learn about each other</strong>. Societies are bound to intertwine and it will become increasingly important to understand cultural dynamics. A classroom education can be extremely beneficial, but when it comes to developing a sense of international aptitude, I believe experience is key, which makes this program a perfect deviation from traditional college until I return. My hope is that I’m doing my part to <strong>encourage an accepting global society</strong> and ultimately improve international cooperation and unity by improving my personal perspective and sharing it with my community.

The only downside to this voyage is undoubtedly the cost, which by the time I calculate flights, school supplies, books, and other necessary supplies, is <strong>nearly $30,000</strong>. Naturally, my only purpose in writing this blog is to share my experience and answer questions for any of you interested in study abroad programs for yourself, your children, grandchildren, etc. If anyone is interested in seeing what you may be able to do to help me in any way, however, I urge you to contact me by email at shelby.kern.s12&#64;semesteratsea.org. I would be so grateful and appreciative for anything you may be able to offer, whether it’s a monetary donation, travel tips, supplies, or a<strong> friendly bon voyage</strong>!


P.S.  The Semester at Sea link leads to a detailed itinerary!

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